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Panasonic KX-TG1102CXTBL-C230CE

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Brand Panasonic
Model Code WV-CW500
Chip Inch Size 1/3
Colour Type Colour / Monochrome
Resolution TVL 700
Sensitivity lux 0.03
Environmental Specifications Operating Temp oC: -10 ~ +50
Operating Humidity %: 0 ~ 90
Protection: IP66
Model Info

The WV-CW500 comes with an i-VMD function including video motion detection, object detection (removal and left behind), scene change detection when a lens is covered, spray painted, removed or defocused enabling an operator the ability to keep track of all areas in a scene whilst the camera is in operation. In addition, the ABS (Adaptive Black Stretch) function, monitor output and 3-way hinge (horizontal, vertical and swivel rotation) ensures an easy installation and stable focus in both colour and B/W modes.

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